
We have lots of fun planned for the summer! Please get in touch if you would like to know more.

Speak or Mike or email:


We meet on Sunday evenings (except the 1st Sunday in the month) at 6.30pm in the hall for food, games, chat, pray and talk about what God is teaching us through the bible. We run courses like Youth Alpha, Origins 24/7 Prayer course and the Youth Wellbeing Journey. If you are age 12-18, you are welcome to join us!

On the 1st Sunday of each month we don’t run an evening session. Instead we encourage young people to come along to or get involved at Church@9. We love seeing young people step out and grow in their gifting and there are opportunities to serve in a variety of ways at our morning services. We also run short sessions at Church@9 for young people to meet and chat through the bible passage for that week and pray together.


On Wednesdays the Beacon Cafe is open until 4pm offering games, a space to meet with friends and enjoy special after school deals on drinks, cakes and snacks.

Come and check it out!

Youth Nights

If you are in school year 7 to 13 we would love to invite you to join us for an evening of fun, food (hotdogs!), games as well as some time and space to chill out in the cafe with friends.

We meet monthly on Thursdays in term time. Keep an eye on the website and social media for dates for the autumn term.

Youth Alpha

More than ever before, young people are asking questions about life and meaning. Alpha, creates a space for us to wrestle with our thoughts and share opinions in a safe and friendly environment.

We are planning to run Youth Alpha again in the near future. Details to follow.

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