Meet the Team
We believe everyone has a part to play in seeing God’s Kingdom come here in Ferndown and we have an amazing team of volunteers who serve across all areas of church life. We also have a staff team and PCC who are passionate about seeing transformation through Jesus.
Clergy Team
Rev Dom Meering (Rector)
Hello. I’ve been here since September 2023. I’m married to Crystal, and we have two children.
Rev Oli Fricker
I'm married to Natacha and we have three young children. We love spending time outside in the woods or at the beach. I love sport, food and board games.
Staff Team
Miriam Biggs (Children & Families Pastor)
Mike Orman (Worship & Youth Pastor)
Liz Howard (Church Manager)
Sandy King (Finance Administrator)
Alex Sharp (Office Administrator)
Su Michello (Cafe Manager)
Tanya (Beacon Cafe)
Church Wardens
Sylvia Broadley
Larry Austin
Pam Pyke (Parish Safeguarding Officer)
Dianne French (Safeguarding Support)
Mary Tyler (Safeguarding Support)