And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
Ephesians 6:18
Prayer Room
“A prayer room is first and foremost a living room—a place where the Father waits for his children to come and climb into his arms.” - Pete Greig
We hold weeks of prayer, using a Prayer Room. These are spaces where we can come, leave the busyness of the day and set aside time to talk to God, to be still and enjoy being in his presence.
The Prayer Room is next open the week beginning Monday 18th November, you can book a slot in the prayer room here: book
Join us to pray together!
On the second Tuesday of each month we hold special prayer gatherings at 7:30pm. These include time to worship and then pray in small groups for the needs of the world, our local community and our church. Our prayer meeting usually last about an hour. We’d love you to join us!
We meet every Monday at 12.15pm - 12.45pm in the church lounge to pray for all going on in the life of the church. All welcome.
During our Services
Praying together is a staple part of our worship gatherings. We have a particular focus of prayer and worship in our Encounter service in All Saint’s Church, Hampreston (every third Sunday of the month).
Prayer Ministry
We have a team of people trained in prayer ministry. If you have something you would like prayer for, look out for the team with the prayer ministry lanyards or speak to a team member at any service.