Pastoral Care

  • Be Heard

    We all need to belong and be known. If you would like to talk with someone in confidence for help or personal support then please do get in touch.

  • Receive Prayer

    We love to pray for people. Please do peak to a member of the team to be prayed for at any of our services, or get in touch if you’d like someone to meet and pray with you at another time.

  • Receive Support

    It may be that as a church we are able to offer some practical support or help in times of need, to help you connect with professional agencies who can help.

Making Contact

You can get in touch using the form or details below. All messages will be treated in confidence, and passed on to our clergy, staff or pastoral volunteers as appropriate.


telephone: 01202 897078

If there is an immediate pastoral need which falls outside of normal office hours then please use the following number: 07598 108764