Harvest Celebration and Gift Day

Sunday 20th October

You are invited!

On Sunday 20th October, at 11am, we are coming together for one service only, to CELEBRATE and WORSHIP in the giving of our first fruits to the Lord.

Harvest Gift Day Celebration and Family Meal

Sunday 6th October: The Feast of First Fruits. Giving of finances out of love for God.

Sunday 13th October: Released from Mammon. Giving to set our hearts free.

Sunday 20th October: OVERFLOW. Giving because we are free.

Family Meal

After the 11am celebration on Sunday 20th October we are gathering together as family to share a (free) meal. It will be a great chance to spend time together, having fun and fellowship. If you are able to come, please sign up on this link, so we know how many to cater for: meal sign up

How will the money be used?

Ten percent will be given to bless external mission (local needs, and abroad). A proportion will be given to the Care Fund, giving rapid-response care to those who find themselves in immediate need. And the majority will act as ‘seed money’ for advancing and extending our welcome, worship and mission. Following the Gift Day, the PCC will discern and assess priorities as necessary.

You can download a Gift Form here: Gift and you can download a Gift Aid form here: Gift Aid